In case you did not know, I am slightly injured. I had a run in with a vegetable peeler, and ended up with 6 stitches. Ow. Not exactly condusive to typing- which is why I have failed to update this. I have had a hard time healing and had to go back to the ER on Monday... But hopefully I am now on the mend.
We had a busy weekend... On Saturday we drove to Wilmington to go to a Habitiat for Humanity Oktoberfest. It was small but fun. We love getting out of Jacksonville whenever we get the chance... It is such a busy place with basically wall-to-wall Marines... Not exactly fun. On Sunday we carved pumpkins. Reed actually touched the seeds and everything! He is usually so squeamish about gooey things. I attempted to be crafty with mine and woke this morning to find it caved in! I guess I went a bit overboard with the star cut outs. Anywho.....
Here are some more pics of our fall fun!

That is my over-zealous star pumpkin... it did look cute while it lasted!
I wanted to add that we are flying out to Joplin on Friday! I am so excited. Of course I wish Ty was coming, but only a few more months until we are all home together! I cant wait! I finally got Reed's Halloween costume. It is adorable. I will take some pics and put them up.
Have a blessed day!
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