Friday, October 15, 2010

Coming Back To Life

So... It has really been a long time now hasn't it? Let's see... What has happened since I last made a blog... Ah! I have just the thing to get me back in the swing of this! A clever gimmick to aid me in not rambling... Carmen's Top Ten List!

Top Ten
Life Changing Events (2009-2010)

1) I am no longer married. I have been a single mom since August of last year. It was really rough on me at first, but I am more than fine with it now. It really was for the best for all three of us.
2) I am now working as a Preschool Teacher for Head Start. I love my job. I definitely miss the SAHM lifestyle more often than not though.
3) I am living in my own home. That is pretty special these days!
4) I have experienced the grown up dating scene and let me just say it is one ugly world! I was really let down by one person in particular, and it taught me to heed the words of someone wise I once knew... "When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them."
5) I acquired a Volvo. Life changing? I think so.
6) My son started school. He is doing really well. A recent development with him is his glasses. We just got them last week and already it seems his schoolwork is improving.
7) I got back in touch with alot of my good friends I had been missing while living in NC then dealing with the divorce. I also found time to make some new friends that are also awesome as can be! They have been there and helped me through so much... I don't have any idea what I would do without them.
8) I saw Avatar. Whoa.
9) I explored my inner spiritual roots and was surprised to learn what kind of tree I really am.
10) I was more recently given some medical news that really shook me up. It is very humbling to learn of your own fragility. I know I have spent my life saying "Not me!" and when that day rolls around where it IS in fact you... It hits you like a ton of bricks.

So yall... that is it in a nutshell. I don't know if anyone will even read this anymore but at least I will have somewhere to get everything out that I want to say. Facebook status updates are cryptic, and who really reads Facebook notes? Hopefully this will be the one successful attempt I make at actually keeping up with this.


mom23minis said...

I love you. I wish I could magically turn back time to oh ummm January/February 2008 for more than a few reasons but hey our lives have changed so much. I may be No mforced to be a trillion miles away right now but I am always with you. No matter what time of day I am here for you.